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quickreference:unix [2021/10/06 15:42] rodolicoquickreference:unix [2025/02/05 00:12] (current) – [Shell (mainly BASH)] rodolico
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 ===== Systems Administration ===== ===== Systems Administration =====
 +==== Partitioning large drives ====
 +Drives greater than 2 Terabytes are not handled well by the standard //fdisk// application, so instead we use parted. Fun Fact!!! gparted is a nice little GUI interface to this. But, we're dealing with command line stuff here.
 +This assumes we have a drive, sdg, that we want to set up with gpt and create one partition on. That partition will set up on optimal sector boundries, and use all of the space available.
 +<code bash>
 +# remove all old file system information. Not necessary, but I do it just because I can
 +wipefs -a /dev/sdg
 +# make this a gpt disk. Will wipe out any other partitioning scheme
 +parted /dev/sdg mklabel gpt
 +# make a new partition on optimal sector boundries. This is a primary partition, and starts
 +# at the beginning of the disk (0%) and goes to the end of the disk (100%)
 +# I put that in quotes as, from what I've read, the percent symbol does not work well
 +# within the bash command line
 +# note, we are not telling it what file system to use, so it defaults to Linux
 +parted -a optimal /dev/sdg mkpart primary '0%' '100%'
 +# display the information on the disk
 +parted /dev/sdg print
 +# format as ext4, no reserved space, and a disk label marked 'backup'
 +mkfs.ext4 -m0 -Lbackup /dev/sdg
 +==== Rapidly wipe multiple hard drives ====
 +Nothing beats DBAN [] in ease of use and a feeling of good security. However, I recently had an issue where I had a server with 7 slow hard disks containing data that really wasn't all that sensitive, so I simply wanted to put a bunch of zeros on it, so I booted off of my SystemRescueCD thumbdrive [] and ran the following bash script. Should work in any shell which has the //for// command, however.
 +<code bash>
 +#! /usr/bin/env bash
 +# for truly not sensitive information, this command wipes all the OS information
 +for drive in a b c d e f g
 +   wipefs -a /dev/sd$drive
 +# but, to really remove in a way that takes tons of effort to recover, do this also
 +for drive in a b c
 +   echo Cleaning sd%drive
 +   dd if=/dev/zero | pv -petrs 580G | dd of=/dev/sd$drive
 +I had 7 drives to wipe, and this takes about 5 hours per drive, so a total of 35 hours. I realized I could probably run all 7 processes in parallel since, on my system, the drive controller is a lot faster than any individual drive So I decided to use the //screen// command and see if I could make that work.
 +<code bash>
 +#! /usr/bin/env bash
 +for drive in a b c d e f g h
 +   screen -dmS sd$drive bash -c "dd if=/dev/zero | pv -petrs 580G | dd of=/dev/sd$drive"
 +Basically, we're using a bash for loop to grab all the drive names (I just used the last letter), running screen and immediately detaching the new process after telling it to run //bash -c// and the command after it in quotes (so it would not interpret the pipes in our current, non-screen shell). I'm running this right now, and //pv// is predicting it will be done in 11.5 hours, or less than a third of the time. BUT, it is really heating up the office with 7 drives being continuously written to at the same time.
 +**Warning**: When SystemRescueCD boots, it tries to assemble any mdadm (software RAID) arrays, and since they are locked, //dd// and //wipefs// won't be able to write to them (maybe). In that case, do the following:
 +<code bash>
 +# find any mdadm volumes running on Linux
 +cat /proc/mdstat
 +# assuming it showed you md127 was running (normal)
 +mdadm --stop /dev/md127
 +# it should stop the MD array and make the individual drives accessible
 ==== Rename Server ==== ==== Rename Server ====
Line 17: Line 84:
 <code bash> <code bash>
 # change the host name, and the postfix name if that is installed # change the host name, and the postfix name if that is installed
-sed -i.old 's/oldname/newname/g' /etc/hostname /etc/hosts /etc/mailname /etc/postfix/ -i.old 's/oldname/newname/g' 
 +   /etc/hostname 
 +   /etc/hosts 
 +   /etc/mailname 
 +   /etc/postfix/ 
 +   /etc/camp/sysinfo-client/sysinfo-client.yaml \ 
 +   /etc/msmtprc
 /etc/init.d/ start /etc/init.d/ start
 # update the aliases, if they exist # update the aliases, if they exist
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 I generally prefer a swap //file// as opposed to a swap //partition//. While swap partitions can be more efficient, swap files are easier to manage (grow/shrink). I generally prefer a swap //file// as opposed to a swap //partition//. While swap partitions can be more efficient, swap files are easier to manage (grow/shrink).
 +This came from
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 104: Line 179:
 </code> </code>
 +For BSD (FreeBSD specifically), you create the swapfile with dd, and you must use an md to mount it
 +<code bash>
 +# create an 8G swapfile
 +dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=8
 +# set permissions very restrictive
 +chmod 600 /swapfile
 +# make a copy of fstab, in case we mess something up
 +cp -a /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
 +# use mdconfig -lv to find an used md device. In this case, I'm using 42
 +echo 'md42   none  swap   sw,file=/swapfile  0 0' >> /etc/fstab
 +# turn on all defined swap devices
 +swapon -a
 +# now list them
 +swapinfo -g
 +If, as in the case I ran into one time, you have an active swap device you want to get rid of, use swapinfo to find it, then use **swapoff /path/to/device/to/remove** and remove it from fstab
 ==== Mount davfs file system ==== ==== Mount davfs file system ====
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 ===== Shell (mainly BASH) ===== ===== Shell (mainly BASH) =====
 +==== Here Documents ====
 +Most unix users are familiar with echo'ing something to STDOUT so it can be used as STDIN for a following script (using the pipe). However, this is usually limited to a single line.
 +A **here document** is a way of having multiple lines processed at one time. In many cases, you can have similar functionality using quotes, but here documents are more robust.
 +For example, a simple test of a newly built mail system might include creating a file with all of the headers necessary, then passing that to //sendmail// for processing. However, you can skip a step and simply send the message directly using a here document.
 +<code bash>
 +sendmail << EOF
 +Subject: test
 +This is a test
 +The entire block above is one command. Here is the breakdown.
 +  - //sendmail is a standard sendmail invocation which assumes the message itself is coming from STDIN.
 +  - //<<// marks the beginning of a //here document//
 +  - //EOF// is the tag which will mark the end of the text for the here document
 +  - Everything up to the EOF is the actual string to be passed to sendmail
 +  - //EOF// at the end marks the end of the here document. **Note**: there must be no leading or trailing whitespace. The tag must be exactly as entered after the << (case sensitive), and must be the only thing on the final line.
 +This only touches the surface of here documents. See [[]] for a lot more information.
 +==== Find files within date range containing text ====
 +A client needed to find a lost e-mail. All he knew was that it arrived sometime on the 24th of Apr 2020, and who it was from. Not sure if the //-newerct// parameter is available on all versions of find, or if it is specific to GNU/Linux.
 +<code bash>
 +find Maildir -type f -newerct '26 Apr 2022 00:00:00' ! -newerct '27 Apr 2022 00:00:00' -exec grep -il 'from:.*' \{\} \;
 +This is very fast, since the find command rapidly decreases the number of messages which must be scanned (he has almost 300k e-mails in various folders, and it took less than 2 seconds).
 +==== Find newest files in a directory tree ====
 +This will go through an entire directory tree under the current directory and locate the newest 5 files. 
 +<code bash>
 +find . -type f -exec stat --format '%Y :%y %n' "{}" \; | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
 +  * Change //find .// to //find /some/path// to change the starting directory
 +  * Change //head// to //head -n 10// to grab the newest 10 files.
 +  * You can add any kind of filter also, so entering //-iname '*.jpg'// after the //-type f// would only find files ending in jpg.
 ==== Count all files in directory tree(s) ==== ==== Count all files in directory tree(s) ====
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   *   *
   *   *
 +  *
 +  *
 +  *]
quickreference/unix.1633552944.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/06 15:42 by rodolico