We need the ability to remotely help windows clients. Prefer to not use things like GoToMeeting or something, especially as Microsoft appears to have something like this already. Following are the notes.
Works on anything, I think. User sends an invitation, assistance uses that to make a P2P connection
Best suited for a Terminal Services server, though it looks like it will work with other machines also. However, an administrator on a Terminal Services server can access other users sessions quite easily. For machines other than the one you are working on, you need network access
The first set of instructions is on the target server, to configure to allow shadowing
From the source machine, make the connection. You will need the users Session ID. If they are directly logged in (ie, not using RDP), their session is always 1.
qwinsta /server:PC_Name
query user
Now, run the command
Mstsc.exe /shadow:<Session ID> /v:<DNS or IP> [/prompt] [/control|/noConsentPrompt]
mstsc.exe /shadow:5 /v: /prompt /control
To exit, you can press Alt+*, the remote user can press ctl+*, or you can simply close the window. Also, ctl+alt+break (from your machine) puts you in full screen mode
Note These two commands are documented, but were not available on my Windows Server 2019. I may not have installed everything.
Get-RDUserSession | ft Username, UnifiedSessionId, SessionState, HostServer, ApplicationType -GroupBy Sessionstate -Wrap shadow {<sessionname> | <sessionID>} [/server:<servername>] [/v]
This link actually provides better instructions, I think.
Mstsc.exe [/shadow:sessionID [/v:Servername] [/control] [/noConsentPrompt] [/prompt]]